Hi! That's me : ) |
Hi! ; ) Glad to meet you! My name is ICT!
I am quite young, about... your age! My mother's name is Board. Actually I call her...
Motherboard! : ) I get along very well with my father! His name is Modem! He is so nice and friendly! He allows me to meet
my friends and to be in constant touch with them!
I enjoy very much working for Spring Day in Europe! I'd like you to be among my
mates! : )
Send me a photo of your Informatics lab so I can meet your
Add a paragraph or a few lines on a word file where you describe what you are doing
at your school with them! I will make an album with all my pals' activities! If you have photos of your works, add the best
one! Don't show yourselves, though: I want to protect your privacy!
Don't forget to mention what your school's name is and where you are from!
Bye! See you soon!
Love from your friend... ICT!
My Favourites
Favourite Song: European anthem! Favourite TV show: Euronews Favourite reading: European
Charter of Fundamental rights Favourite sports team: all of them Favourite food: sweets... we have many good ones in
Work in progress! Come back to us!!
Some image online sources
Text and images to be used only for didactic purposes |
Safer internet ... together!